Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Recently, I heard a snippet on a radio show talking about how the price of pork will begin to sky rocket. Why, you may ask? Well let me tell you. ~ SAVE THE PIGS

Pig farmers are beginning to complain that the price of grain is going up and they can't afford to feed the pigs. At this rate, all our beloved pigs are going to starve. That won't make a good bacon sandwich!! ~ SAVE THE PIGS

Some people would ask, why not feed the pigs something else? They could do that, but the price would still go up. I don't mind paying a bit more for better raised, healthier pork. ~ SAVE THE PIGS

The truth of the matter is, the cheaper the food is, the lower the quality. You really do get what you paid for when it comes to groceries. If you want a better quality food, then you have to pay a bigger price. I don't mind doing this, I prefer better quality, cleaner, healthier food.

You can either pay more or raise the pig yourself and have someone butcher it. This way, you get better quality food which is healthier for you and your family.

My conclusion is ~ quit bitching about the cost of food. I figure soon enough we'll all be paying out the ass for crap food, because the better quality will be so darned expensive, we wouldn't be able to afford it anyways.

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