This weekend, as many of you already know, I took my children on their first camping trip. It was unusually cold that Saturday evening, so we thought that the camp sites would be relatively empty. I was wrong. Big Time.

First order of business - MOBS
Not long after we got settled in we heard singing in a different language. It was getting closer and close. At first, we thought it was boy scout troop or something. As they got closer, we realized they were not singing in English. I couldn't tell what language it was, but it was middle eastern. Anyways, as the sound was right around the corner, we saw a whole MOB of middle eastern campers, singing. This wasn't a problem, but it plays a role in the rest of my day. It was unusual, I had never seen anything like this. I thought camping was supposed to be quiet?!
My friend brought her two little boys with us camping. The kids all decided to go for a hike, so my friend Emma went with them. About 45 minutes later, the kids and Emma return carrying a childs coat, notebook, and CD that did not belong to them. When asked where they got it, they replied "We were out hiking in the woods and saw a baby stroller pushed into the brush. We thought there might be a baby in there, so we looked." Good Job for the kids to be so caring. So where did they get the stuff? "Emma told us that we could take the stuff in the stroller cause there wasn't anyone around." WHAT??? This woman let my children STEAL from a childs stroller that did not belong to them?! My DH and I took the items and returned them to the stroller. Just as we had gotten back to camp, the MOB from earlier came back through singing their little songs, and carrying the STROLLER that my "friend" let my children STEAL from!! We must have just missed them when returning the items. My children know better than to take items that aren't theirs. I seriously thought that Emma wasn't STUPID enough to steal or allow children to steal! AGAIN, I was wrong.
Next - FIRES
The teenage couple that was on the right side of us seemed nice. They needed some help to pitch their tent, so me my DH helped get it set up for them. As night fell, the two were just starting their fire. They were kids, so I didn't expect them to know how to keep a fire going steady. I did, however, expect them to know NOT to empty the entire bottle of lighter fluid onto the fire. This still didn't keep their fire going. As the night went on, we heard them trying to keep the fire going. They were emptying beer into the fire because "it has alcohol in it" and over heard them saying "we have oil and cardboard in the car." Ha Ha. They had burned through all of their wood, and started to use oil and gasoline from their car to keep warm. Silly teenagers.
Up Next - SEX
The same teenage couple from above finally gave up on the fire about 3 AM and turned to "cuddling" in their tent to keep warm. We could literally hear EVERY word (and sound) they were saying. Trust me, it didn't last very long. The guy talked too much and the girl was making these over the top noises like she was in a porno or something. It was kind of funny. After the Sex, they were arguing because apparently the boy grabbed the phone and was going to get a picture where he "emptied his ugly" all over her. They argued about that for a while and went back to the over the top sex noises. Then all of a sudden we hear "what? what's wrong, where'd it go" the two came out of the tent immediately and headed out in their car not returning for a long while. My guess is, the items they were playing with either got lost inside or stuck inside the girl.
So all in all, it was an interesting camping trip that included tons of not needed information about teenage sex, stupid blonde girls, mobs, and fires.
My DH did fall a few times running through the wood chasing the kids. That was kind of funny too :) Hope you enjoyed reading. Will blog later if I can think of something I forgot to add in here.
out for now ~ CALLIE
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