Thursday, January 10, 2013


I just got my palmolive voxbox from influenster. It was super awesome. I will post the video as soon as I get a chance.

I just wanted to tell you guys that the palmolive fresh infusions naturally inspired dish liquid is great. It cleans well, doesn't leave a soapy residue on the dishes and smells absolutely amazing. I think my favorite scent that I tried out was the ginger white tea. It's a really light pink color and fresh scent that I don't mind using while washing dishes. It makes me want to wash dishes more often just to go play in the soap :)

below is the video. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, January 4, 2013


I am finally writing a blog about a topic that just burns my buns. I simply HATE it when I go to buy a bag of flavored tootsie rolls and the majority of the bag is GREEN, ORANGE AND YELLOW!!! WTH? NO one likes those three colors, why do they even make them?! I just opened a bag yesterday and snapped a picture of it. I had ONE pink, SIX blue and the rest was green, yellow, and orange!! (see picture below)

I am seriously thinking about writing an email to this company and just asking WHY. I have been in stores that carry the bulk tootsie rolls fruit flavors and the bins will be picked through only leaving (guess what colors) GREEN, ORANGE, and YELLOW!!!

I would really like to know why they do this. Is there not enough colored dye and flavoring to make the other colors? I am boycotting Tootsie roll until I can get some answers that satisfy me. If anyone has had or is having similar issues with this, then please comment or send me an email at

Let your issues be heard. We will NOT stand for this type of tyranny! (OKAY, maybe that last statement was a wee bit overboard) I will post the EMAIL that I send and their reply as soon as I can get it all typed up. Enjoy the BLOG and keep coming back for new posts :)


Email just sent to the company, now we await a response. Below is the actual email I sent.

Tootsie Roll company,

This is a link to a blog I just posted about the dissatisfaction of your products. Inquiring minds want to know why there are so many of the (yucky) flavored rolls in each bag of tootsie roll fruit flavors. It has become a bit ridiculous when you have to purchase 4 or more bags just to get a handful of the pink and blue tootsie rolls. No one likes the orange, green, and yellow, so why are we forced to throw away three quarters of a bag every single time we purchase your products? Please read the blog and respond accordingly. I would prefer email responses instead of phone contact. Thank you for your time, CALLIE JAMES



 thank you for contacting us.  All our Tootsie Fruit Roll flavors are very popular, but of course, everyone has favorites.  Our special cherry and vanilla Valentine Fruit Rolls are now available.  We hope you will enjoy them.

~ Looks like they gave me the run around. They didn't even answer my questions. Pitiful company. I refuse to buy these anymore. I guess I have to find a better candy now :(